Wednesday, January 7, 2015


With the possible exception of a bright purple dress shirt after a Minnesota Vikings win, nothing makes Principal Schrag happier than a gigantic plate of lunchtime nachos. 

Legend has it that our beloved Middle School Principal had has own late night radio show during his college years.  Those who have been witness to the glee with which he anticipates Nacho Day (not to mention the speed with which he devours that plate) do not have to stretch imaginations too far when told that Mr. Schrag’s DJ name was The Nacho King

Nachos may have originated in sunny Mexico, but they have been perfected in our very own Penn View cafeteria.  Having the heart of a Pennsylvania Dutch girl, I cannot fully appreciate the nuances involved in building a flawless tower of spicy nachos. Let’s just say my palate prefers chicken gravy to hot sauce.  But there are coworkers and students among us who take this challenge very seriously.  Adding just the right ingredients has apparently become something of an art form.   

EXHIBIT A.  Our Middle School music teacher adds romaine to her nachos and pretends they are a salad.  Nice try Mrs. Landes….

Sam Alderfer and Micah Nice are admired by Mr. Schrag for their excellent nacho topping aptitudes.  As he so eloquently states, those boys "know how to nacho!" 

Micah is smiling in this photo because he just downed his well-crafted creation.   

Students of all ages love Nacho Day!

Some build a blander platter than others.  Jalapeño Elitist Schrag has been known to refer to these lesser plates as “wimpy.”

Construction of the perfect nacho entrée begins with Food Services Director John Anderson and our dedicated cafeteria staff.  Ms. Crucita Berrios is pictured below.  She is known and loved by all not just for her friendly and hard-working demeanor, but for the praise songs she sings pretty much all the time

Interim Executive Director Don Steiner with his nachos!
Mrs. Reichley is NOTHING if not enthusiastic!

With the possible exception of Mrs. Graham who gets to deal with a lot of the cheesy mess of elementary school lunches, the adults in the building love Nacho Day as much as the kids. 

Are you hungry yet?  You know you are walking to your pantry right now to see if you can put together a plate.... 

Adios my friends!  Enjoy your nachos!