Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Traditions are plentiful during the holiday season.  A favorite way to launch myself into Thanksgiving each year is to take a stroll down the fourth grade hallway.

When you think Thanksgiving turkey, you undoubtedly think Butterball or maybe your mind goes to our local Bolton Turkey FarmBut having a vegetarian daughter (who believes with her whole heart that Tofurky is an adequate substitute for the anchoring entrée of most Thanksgiving meals) has pretty much ruined me for roasting pans and cornbread stuffing.  So it’s a really good thing I’ve got some other turkeys to enthusiastically enjoy. 

For as long as I can remember, there has been an extraordinary turkey decorating contest in the fourth grade.  The Statue of Liberty and the Phillies Phanatic are both memorable past entries. We can even boast that George Washington (at least a rough bird depiction of him) once slept here.

My son is now a grown man.  When he was a Penn View student he chose to dress his cardboard turkey in the garb of a pilgrim.  I’m not convinced classic black and white puritan apparel is an accurate historical reflection of pilgrim, but Isaac’s turkey was all that.  The details are a bit sketchy after eighteen years but I’m certain there were tinfoil shoe buckles involved. 

Eight years later, my daughter's turkey bore the uniform of a cafeteria lady, its craft store feathers attractively mingling with a turkey-sized green Penn View apron.  I wish I still had a photo. In fact now that I think about it, I lost a nice miniature wooden spoon to that school project....

Regarding present-day turkeys…
the entries this year did not disappoint!

Clowns, mummies and pop stars, OH MY!

As you can see above, a diva resplendent in her feather boa was looking elegant despite being tacked to a festive bulletin board.  Her red-haired friend next-door was lovely.  

Soccer players, butchers, superheroes, and lambs were affixed side-by-side, jump-starting holiday spirits for passersby in the elementary hallway.  

An interesting twist this year included a number of turkeys doubling as hunters. Some of their cardboard bodies were bedecked in camouflage, their feathered fingers carrying archery supplies and in the case of one pilgrim portrayal- musket armament.  How the tables have turned (pun intended) - Feathers on the hunting end of the equation! Perhaps our young turkey designers were hoping to give Thanksgiving turkeys a fighting chance…. 

Being quite fond of nature the way God so amazingly shaped it, I’m always a little partial to the entries which still bear some resemblance to fowl. Feathers are good and this soccer player needs a shave.

I enjoy them all, so thankfully I am not part of the judging panel. 

I have a rather sentimental attachment to Waldo (of Where's Waldo fame) but the tacky tourist is my personal favorite this year.

Holiday fun, creativity, and a little friendly competition.  

Just three of the innumerable things for which we at Penn View are incredibly thankful. 
Some of Mrs. Roth's turkey designers hamming it up for the camera.

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