Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Windows are not necessary when there is heavy rain falling on Penn View Christian School.  Without looking outside, everyone in the building knows exactly what is going on. The hammering sounds on our metal roof soothe some and cause distraction to others as the sky waters our little patch of academic paradise.

Artist: Felicia Cappiello

Felicia captured the meteorological conditions beautifully when completing a recent fourth grade assignment. The students were asked to write and illustrate three poems in their newly formed green paper booklets.  

“Rain Falls.  Pattering loudly on the windowsill.  Powerful in a thunderstorm.  Peaceful as it calms down until it’s silent where it can’t be heard. The clouds in the sky are grey.  As grey as rock. BOOM CRASH BOOM shouts the thunder.  I hide under my blanket cover.”

Simon’s front cover grabbed my immediate attention. 

A handsome yellow duck with a “quack as loud as a car horn” was “swimming through the stream” of Trinity’s imagination and along the pages of her poetry book.

This group of talented elementary poets includes Celeste with her interpretation of a morning breeze.  “Morning breeze, hushes the stars, talking to birds, singing sweetly to the moon, gently breathing on the trees, blowing on flowers and waking up the sun.”

Lydia and Celeste

Jonas formed an intimidating antagonist when he penned his poem about the "splash and slam" of a malevolent Tsunami.

Lydia convincingly assigned body parts and the wonderful anticipation of home and adventure to a simple red shoe.

"The shoe. Wraps its arms in the shape of a bow. Thumping hard on the sidewalk. Coming home. Waiting to run down the sidewalk again.”

What a lot of fun to peruse poetry generated by the delightfully active imaginations in Mrs. Roth’s fourth grade classroom.  

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